Saturday, July 16, 2011

Katerina Polemi joins Kenneth Hieber on One Voice From Africa on July 21

Katerina Polemi
 is a natural talent with music in her soul, a guitar in her hands, and rhythm in her feet. She is a vocalist, songwriter, guitarist, and pianist. But most of all, she is an artist, with an extraordinary love of performance, and creating music that inspires the soul.

Her album, Spread the Music Not the Name is available from and the Apple iTunes Store and you should get your personal copy as soon as possible. You MUST own this masterpiece.

Her philosophy as an artist is focused on what’s real. As she says, "real music, and real anything comes from nothingness that becomes something. This happens when you approach it from the purest and most sincere place inside your being. That’s how I seek to approach it: Love-Study-Feel and Go!"

Katerina Polemi
 is my special guest on One Voice From Africa tonight and together we talk about music, life, Africa, the road ahead, and much more.To listen - click here!